Friday 7 October 2011

Poster Research


This poster is very effective, mostly due to the dark lighting added in the editing process. The darkness contrasts with the main characters pale skin. This gives the impression that he is motionless and dead (in terms of his personality). This may clearly present that he is the villain because he has no emotion and is hiding away in a dark, old room. The colour red that is used means that danger, death and blood are near. The red that is used over the title is extremely important because it shows the smear of blood. I like this poster but I think it is too organised. The character is facing and looking directly at the camera, showing he is aware of the audience. This could be creepy because it is like he is watching you.


This poster is very different from Sweeney Todd, the poster here seems like it is more innocent. The colours are very light and neutral, contrasting with the redness of the rose. The red here doesn't connotate blood; it is represented as love and passion. Like the previous poster, it is based on one colour. However this poster dominates with the skin of a woman (supposedly). You can tell it is a woman because of the soft skin, delicate hands and rose. The peachy colour to the skin represents warmth. "Beauty" is in bold to stand out as one of the most important words in the title. The picture of the stomach, hand and rose is obviously related to beauty. It may also be sexualised as it looks like it is implying that the person is naked.

This poster is very busy and colourful to stand out from other posters. It makes it clear what genre it is (comedy) by the use of bright colours, teenage characters, font, the character's style and their facial expression. It also says it is a comedy in the quote on the top right-hand corner. I think the producers have placed it here because when people look at a poster, after they see the picture, they begin reading from the top. The font of 'Juno' is bubbly and almost like someone has drawn/shaded it in. This is a very good comic type effect. The characters we see are of course the main characters. The boy is tall, average looking, and wearing what seems as silly sport wear. By this we can see that he is the most comical character, where as the also average-looking girl has a "I'm not impressed" type facial expression. The way she is standing emphasises her pregnancy, she is facing the side so that we can see her big stomach, we can also recognise her pregnancy because she has her hands on her back to stabilise her. Her top is orange and white stripes to match the background of the poster. She is a typical teenager in terms of her attitude which is also presented through her clothing; a leather jacket, skirt, ripped jeans and trainers. Some people believe that teenagers don't care about anything, and this shows through her type of clothes and the fact she doesn't look bothered that she's pregnant at such a young age. Shown through my points, the target audience are, without a doubt, teenagers.

1 comment:

  1. Re Juno. is it accurate to say it is just aimed at teenagers as (I believe) it was also popular with adults (younger perhaps)? For example it is one of our favourite films and we are in our 30s (just!!).
